Damian Shepherd

Damian Shepherd

Board Member

I am a newcomer to SERCUL and looking forward to bringing my experience with corporate governance and business operations to the SERCUL Board. I have formal business qualifications in both business and environmental science, with an MBA, graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and a Bachelor of Science (Hons). Having started my career as a botanist, exploring and contributing to our understanding of WA’s unique ecological treasures, joining SERCUL and contributing to the work of the Board is an exciting and timely opportunity to bring together this experience in the service of the community.

A Perth local, my wife and I have raised two (now young adult) daughters in Belmont and Ascot. I am invested in contributing to a place in which they, and (hopefully) their children to come, can continue to enjoy what a healthy environment can bring to our lives here. My current professional role as the State Archivist reminds me everyday about the legacy each of us can leave for future generations and I believe SERCUL plays a special role in creating such a legacy.

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