Friends of Gabbiljee (Bull Creek)

Friends of Gabbiljee is an active group of volunteers hoping to restore the waterway and surrounding bush along Bull Creek.


Our vision for Bull Creek is for a sparkling, healthy flow of water, filtered by natural grasses and sedges, stocked with indigenous fauna and surrounded by natural bush with diverse native flora, fauna and insect life.

Our vision extends to the neighbouring home owners. They have pride in and ownership of the bushland and creek, they have the knowledge to discourage weeds and encourage native flora and their gardens are river friendly in the usage of fertilisers, water and chemicals.

We would love that all in the area develop a pride in the Noongar inheritance; their stories of the bush and creek and how to manage it. This will become part of our story too.

Contact Details

Wendy Corrick
 0408 653 652
  Email Us
  Find us on Facebook

We undertake

  • Removal of weeds that interfere with the growth of native plants along the water’s edge and upland areas
  • Planting of native sedges and grasses to naturally filter and clean the water flow
  • Planting of natives in the upland areas
  • Education is an important aspect
  • Identification of local plants and weeds
  • Creation of a herbarium of local plants and weeds
  • Raising community awareness of water quality and the connection of the street drainage system via Bull Creek to the Canning River (and ultimately into the Swan River)
  • Research into the history of the creek
  • Involvement of local Noongar elders to help us understand their perspective, their stories and their knowledge on how to care for the land
  • Identification of the local birds


Currently the group is concentrating on three areas:

  • the upland areas along the limestone path parallel with Karel Avenue
  • the creek behind Rossmoyne SHS, particularly the area upstream of the little bridge
  • Spinaway Crescent on the Bull Creek foreshore

Join us

When: First Saturday and third Sunday of each month. (We don’t meet on public holidays)
Where: Contact us to find our precise location and be added to our mailing list.
What to Bring: Hat, sturdy shoes, long pants, sunscreen, gardening gloves and water.

Everyone is welcome, come help make a difference! Children, supervised by parents, are especially welcomed.

Photo Gallery