Catchment Education


Catchment Education

What is our vision for catchment education in this region?

To achieve an environmentally responsible community within the Perth region that is actively involved in environmental protection and catchment management.

How do we help schools, community groups, business and local government to achieve this vision?

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Incursions and Excursions

Provide incursions and excursions for school students, youth groups and OSHC groups.

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Provide presentations on a range of environmental topics for community groups, business, local government and more.

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Provide stalls promoting environmental education and the Phosphorus Awareness Project, Fertilise Wise and Mozzie Wise (or a customised environmental theme) at community events.

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Education Newsletter

Produce an Educators Newsletter at the start of every school term highlighting the environmental education opportunities that are being offered by SERCUL and other providers.

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Annual Nutrient Survey

Conduct the Annual Nutrient Survey for Local Government Authorities (LGAs) with the 30 LGAs of the Perth metropolitan region and produce a yearly report, scorecards and recommendations.

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SERCUL PAP You Tube Channel

Provide a Phosphorus Awareness Project (PAP) YouTube Channel containing informative videos about our catchments, their inhabitants and the threats they face.

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Resource Links

Link them to free learning resources as well as products available for purchase.

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Local Patch

Link them to their local “patch” by  highlighting the local catchment and ‘friends of’ groups that work in that area.

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Find Out More....

For more information about any of these initiatives contact Education and Promotion Manager, Natasha Bowden, at

Training and Professional Development opportunities offered by SERCUL and other providers

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Fertilise Wise Training

Fertilise Wise Fertiliser Training– a full day professional learning  opportunity, hosted by SERCUL and presented by turf agronomist John Forrest, where Local Government Officers and Turf Managers can learn about soil and plant requirements, types of fertilisers and how to apply them (including rates of application, rates of nutrients, and monitoring and auditing fertiliser applications), and environmental management. Fertilise Wise Fertiliser Training is conducted once a year, but can also be conducted as a staff development day for individual Local Government Authorities or organisations.

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Aquatic Weed Management Training

Aquatic Weed Management Training – a full day professional learning opportunity, hosted by SERCUL and presented by aquatic weed consultant, Julie Robert, where participants learn how to economically and ecologically manage a sudden outbreak of a new aquatic weed, how to control long term aquatic weed invasions and much more. Aquatic Weed Management Training is conducted on a semi-regular basis, but can also be booked as a staff/volunteer development day by Local Government Authorities, community groups or organisations.

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Canoeing on the Canning

Canoeing on the Canning – a full day professional learning (PL) opportunity, hosted by SERCUL and held during National Water Week in October at Canning River Eco Education Centre, where teachers, community group members and other interested persons can learn about the Canning River system and its issues whilst canoeing/kayaking. Canoeing on the Canning can also be tailored to an all school PL day or team building sessions.

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Opportunities from Other Providers

SERCUL works closely with other environmental educators located in Perth and beyond. We are members of the Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE) and Sustainable Schools WA. We promote the environmental education opportunities offered by other providers in the Educators Newsletter and on our Facebook page, and collaborate with these providers whenever possible.