Friends of Forrestdale (FoF)

“A seeming unremarkable parcel of land in Forrestdale harbours a profusion of flora species if you know where and how to look…”

The Friends of Forrestdale was formed in April 1990 following a recommendation in the Forrestdale Lake Nature Reserve Management Plan. Since that time, the group has played an active role assisting the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) in the care and management of the Bush Forever sites and conservation reserves in the Forrestdale area.

These bushland and wetland sites include Anstey-Keane damplands, Piara Nature Reserve and Gibbs Road Swamp – all within the Jandakot Regional Park – and Forrestdale Lake Nature Reserve.

Ever-increasing housing and industrial development in the Perth region continues to destroy native bushland and wetland habitats. The Forrestdale area is undergoing extensive development, and the subsequent loss of natural ecosystems makes the few remaining areas all the more significant. This development includes the proposed extension of Keane Road through Anstey-Keane Dampland.

These species-rich sanctuaries encompass a remarkable variety of plants and wildlife – some of which have been found nowhere else – and in order to retain the diversity of these extraordinary bushland and wetland areas, it is critical that they remain intact, are not fragmented, and are managed correctly.

Why be part of a friends group?

“Lasting memories, friendships with other members, and making a contribution to the future conservation of an area together as a legacy for all to enjoy” provides the driving force and philosophy behind the Friends of Forrestdale. “Don’t give up ? always keep trying” is their advice to others.

The Friends group maintains an interest in all bushland areas within Forrestdale including Bush Forever sites 253, 262, 342, 344 and 345. This area is larger than Kings Park but has no full-time employees. These areas include wetlands, banksia woodland and heathland and are habitat for thousands of birds, bandicoots and frogs. The group’s activities aim to conserve their values, rehabilitate degraded bushland and wetland areas, and ensure that their management is adequately resourced. On-ground works include: fence maintenance; weed surveys and eradication; bush regeneration; bird surveys; collecting water depth data; and picking up rubbish. They consider rehabilitating bushland around Forrestdale Lake as one of their most successful on-ground activities because it is a growing contribution to the area, and brings back wildlife such as bandicoots.

Contact Details

9397 0276
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President: David James
Vice-President: Glen Gaikhorst
Secretary: Bryony Fremlin
Treasurer: Terry Gibbs
Committee Members:
Jim Prince
Margaret Telford
Honorary Life Member:
Rod Giblett
General Members:
Melissa Gaikhorst
Ian Butland
Chris Prince
Russell Montgomery
Colin Heap
Jenny Heap
Asher Van Wollingen
Ian Taylor
Evan Peirce
Matt Cunningham