Education Programs

Clean Drains River Gains
The Clean Drains River Gains project aims to raise awareness of the link between drains and natural waterways.

Phosphorus Awareness Project
The Phosphorus Awareness Project (PAP) is an education campaign that educates the general community about the impact of too many nutrients in the Swan and Canning River systems and wetlands and how to reduce those levels.

Fertilise Wise and Grow Local Plants
The lack of awareness of the impact of fertilisers on the rivers is a target for the Phosphorus Awareness Project’s.

Freshwater Fauna Project
SERCUL in partnership with Murdoch University’s Freshwater Fish Group and Fish Health Unit have produced an educational package on Freshwater Fauna of South-Western Australia.

Bush Tucker Plants
The use of Bush Tucker plants in home and school gardens are becoming more and more common.

Catchment Education
Helping schools, community groups, business and local government to achieve an environmentally responsible community within the Perth region that is actively involved in environmental protection and catchment management.

Mozzie Wise
SERCUL’s new project ‘Ecologically Sound Mosquito Management in Wetlands and Urban Drainage’ aims to identify the best approach to balancing the objectives of improving water quality, enhancing environmental health, reducing the emergence of adult mosquitos and the protection of human health.