Who We Are

About us


South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare

SERCUL, as an incorporated, independent community environmental organisation, that is able to bring together the community, Local Governments, business, educational institutions and Government agencies to plan for, develop and implement projects that will improve the natural environment using a strategic and integrated approach.

SERCUL is governed by Board which comprises representatives of its member groups and other independent members. Staff work under regional programs and the Landcare Centre (Yule Brook Homestead).


To have, as a given, the Natural Resources of the South Region of Perth managed in a healthy and sustainable manner by all stakeholders for future generations.


The aim is to use integrated natural resource management to develop cultural change in how the community views and interacts with the environment while promoting and actively participating in, the improvement of the health of waterways and other ecosystems within the South Region.

SERCULs Objectives

  1. To identify priority Natural Resource Management issues in the South Region in partnership with Community Groups, Local Government, State Government and Industry.
  2. Administer the South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare Inc. funds to promote the objectives and outcomes of the Association.
  3. Assist Community Groups, State and Local Government in the coordination and delivery of Natural Resource Management in the South Region.
  4. Support and encourage the implementation of best management practice of Natural Resources within the South Region.
  5. Recognise and embrace cultural and natural heritage.
  6. Foster research on matters relating to the South Region’s natural and cultural heritage.
  7. Work in partnership with Community Groups, Local Government, State Government and Industry to educate the wider community to protect our natural resources.
  8. Support and encourage the formation and training of community environment groups.
  9. Support the development and implementation of projects that occur outside the South Region that align with and benefit the delivery of the SERCUL objectives.

The SERCUL Sub-Region

We are a sub-regional organisation that operates within the metropolitan and periurban areas of the Swan-Canning River Catchment. The area covered takes in most of the southern and eastern suburbs of Perth and includes Dyarguu (the Canning River), the Southern-Wungong River and parts of Derbarl Yerrigan (the Swan River).